BRANSCHNYHET: Vectorworks, MA Lighting och Robe utvecklar standard

BRANSCHNYHET: Vectorworks, MA Lighting och Robe utvecklar standard

Standarden GDTF (General Device Type Format) gör att belysning och relaterad utrustning hamnar på samma språkmässiga väglängd. 

Arbetar man inom belysning kan initiativet signerat Vectorworks, MA Lighting och Robe vara något att hålla ett extra på framöver. Det är nämligen så att under den kommande upplagan av Frankfurtmässan Prolight+Sound (som vi bevakar på plats) kommer ovan nämnda aktörer att ge vidare information om den nya standarden GDTF (General Device Type Format), ett dataformat, eller rättare sagt ett nytt universellt språk för armaturer, ljusbord och för CAD- och visualiseringsmjukvara. En standard som genomsyrar hela arbetsprocessen – från design till produktion. 

Nedan följer uttalanden från företagens representanter. 

– The industry has long been plagued by the absence of a standardized way to define the description of intelligent luminaires,” said Dr. Biplab Sarkar, CEO of Vectorworks. “Today’s exchange process is fraught with challenges. The workflows are disconnected, time-consuming and often require the manual mapping of data with a high chance of error. General Device Type Format simplifies the entire process. It creates a common data exchange language that will be the basis of a fully connected workflow, from CAD to previz to console and back. We look forward to collectively working with additional manufacturers to extend the benefits of this high-quality workflow to the professionals of the industry.

– The General Device Type Format is a fantastic new development that will revolutionize the way professionals can specify and control our products,” said Josef Valchar, CEO of Robe lighting. “It’s easy to adopt, and it makes it possible for us as manufacturers of intelligent luminaires to fully describe our fixtures with detailed information without the need for any additional computational interpretation by control or visualization manufacturers.

– Our main motivation was to make everyone’s life easier,” said Gerhard Krude, managing director of MA Lighting Technology. “Users of any lighting control system, CAD and previz software that can process GDTF will benefit by the ease of use and the amount of details provided. GDTF contains all the information required to control and visualize all kinds of devices like fixtures, video, pyro, special FX or lasers in a standardized manner. It supports the manufacturers to structure and provide all the data to make their devices look best — onstage and during visualization. We count on the device manufacturers to contribute. They already have all the information their customers need to perform. Once our industry has adapted to the new GDTF standard, all our lives will become much easier — for good.

I dagsläget är Vectorworks Spotlight uppdaterat med stöd för GDTF. Vidare uppdateringar kommer under årets gång, med förhoppning från vår sida om att Frankfurtmässan blir det första tillfället.

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